March 15 - April 12, 2013
The exhibition discusses the conceptual value of the utility object. Out of the repertoire of usual things, the ceramist chose the “bowl”, whose shape,concept and message he has approached from an
artistic point of view. Tributary to Duchamp’s formula, the functional valences of the vase are eluded. Thus, the initial shape remains but a pretext meant to elaborate new morphologies. Finally, the vase becomes an affective memory expressing a state of mind, a thought, a story. The artist creates (in)formal identities. The visual solutions that appear are going to be deciphered in the exposition. And we let you decide what connotations may they acquire in beholder’s mind! Raluca Băloiu During the exhibition “(In)formal Identities” a cultural event will take place. You are invited to attend. On Wednesday, March 27, at 6 p.m., writer Dan Mircea Cipariu will read from his book of poems Loneliness Comes with the Facebook. |
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movie courtesy of TV CITY