September 12 - 28, 2013
Exhibitors: Simona Antoniu, Ion Cojocaru, Miruna Coman, Bianca Dezsi, Mihaela Giura, Alexandra Mureșan, Tudor Păsat, Aniela Ovadiuc
Tributary to the theme of this-year biennale, the artistic discourse combines the new media and the ceramic art, dealing with certain incumbent subjects recurrent in contemporary society, a society dominated by technology: communication, the message and the
subjectivity of perception. Galateea Gallery’s selection – kinetic installations, digital prints on porcelain and short films – promotes the interaction between ceramic art and the new technologies, inviting the beholder to discover new reading keys. Curator: Raluca Băloiu Visitors are invited to attend the opening of the exhibition Between ceramics & technology on Thursday, september 12, 2013, at 6pm, as part of the EBienale art event- parallel to the "George Enescu" classical music Biennale and Festival
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