November 20 - December 20, 2013
At a first sight, this exhibition looks like a breach of frontiers, an invasion or, at the best, a disaccord. The ceramists make ceramics, the sculptors, sculpture, and “Ana (makes or) has apples”, because it’s a sentence in our ABC books. When speaking about art, it’s just a common sense that works must occupy the positions they were distributed in the room program. Why do the ceramic artists draw? Is it because “drawing is probity of art” (ap. Ingres)? Or because drawing stands for humility and “submission” – taken in a monachal conception? (But when were the artists submitted?) Is it because drawing is a way to quickly check what we usually understand by talent or gift, that is, a shortened form of validation?
Maybe these questions-and-answers are but a drawing of what this exhibition stands for in fact. They say that behind every successful man there is a smart woman. Similarly, behind each three-dimensional object there is a (2D) drawing. This drawing is the cornerstone of all possible plastic exercises and the guarantee of the spiritual honourability any artistic exploit in four, five or more dimensions does achieve. The moment you want to conquer the world (The New World, like Columbus), you must either have a drop of madness, or to be able to draw, on the world map, the route of your travel. Or, if you feel like being Noah and wish to touch the land after the Flood, send out a bird to settle there and never turn back. Drawing is artist’s certitude, it has the shape of a flying anchor. Cristina Bolborea |
Exhibitors: Arina Ailincăi, Iulius Badiu, Cristina Bolborea, Diana Butucariu, Emil Cassian Dumitraș, Emilia Chirilă, Cătălin Cioancă, Eugen Cioancă, Ionel Cojocariu, Gherghina Costea, Georgiana Cozma, Ileana Danci, Cristian Dobrescu, Angela Grădinariu, Lucia Lobonț, Lucia Maftei, Eugenia Manea, Nicolae Moldovan, Aniela Ovadiuc, Monika Pădureț, Cristina Popescu Russu, Ilie Rusu, Irina Silivestru, Doina Stici, Simona Tănăsescu, Leontin Țibacov, Titu Toncian, Victor Triaire, Vera Ungureanu, Iulian Vîrtopeanu, Gavril Zmicală
Curators: Cristina Bolborea, Monika Pădureț, Aniela Ovadiuc
Curators: Cristina Bolborea, Monika Pădureț, Aniela Ovadiuc
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